Actng Mets

My photo
KL+UPM, Silver State., Malaysia
This is like my electronic diary. I write what I feel. I write when I'm sad, angry, upset. I whine, I mourn, I curse, I cry here. If you don't like it, or you just want to know how pathetic my life is and use it against me, DON'T read.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Final Draw

I love you. With all my heart.
But I can't take your words & how you torture my insides.

I can never forget the humiliation.
It sticks in my heart like a stain.

Never forget what you said,
"You don't fit to be with me".

I'll find someone else.
Who takes me as I am.

I'm tired of trying.
I'm tired of being stepped on.

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