Actng Mets

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KL+UPM, Silver State., Malaysia
This is like my electronic diary. I write what I feel. I write when I'm sad, angry, upset. I whine, I mourn, I curse, I cry here. If you don't like it, or you just want to know how pathetic my life is and use it against me, DON'T read.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


Hate is a strong word. But God, I really, really don't like your guts! Just because you're close to him at work, it doesn't mean you can go around and act as if you're his girlfriend! Or perhaps, he's so nice to you that you think he might give just about everything u ask for! Damn!

How would you feel if some other girl do that to your man?

Fine, call me a paranoid, but maybe it's just me; I don't like girls who behave like you. As if you don't have any self-pride. Don't you feel any shame doing that to another man, where you are already attached to someone? Oh, that is so not me. And I can't deal with people behaving like that. Just, not possible. If only I could just banish you off...

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