Actng Mets

My photo
KL+UPM, Silver State., Malaysia
This is like my electronic diary. I write what I feel. I write when I'm sad, angry, upset. I whine, I mourn, I curse, I cry here. If you don't like it, or you just want to know how pathetic my life is and use it against me, DON'T read.

Saturday, December 14, 2013

To The Sea

Back an forth dance
The waves
To shores steadfast
Lover of embrace

There I stand in awe
Of how vast you are

Though afar benign you
Surprise, the lone drifter--
Unrest of savage tides;
Pounding too

Still in mind aware
We know not of our return
Into your bosom we march
For chance only a piece of bread

Swirl, swirl never but always
Inviting hearts to solace

Friday, December 13, 2013

Don't Mind.

Don't mind that one.
Just an empty soul roaming
On a journey in
Search of felicity

Don't mind that one.
Half a person shadowed
Of loneliness
That of words unsaid

Don't mind that one.
Hollow flesh standing
Of secrets & regrets
Reminiscence of doings undone

Don't mind that one.
That of a lifeless soul no
One shall see --
Let laughter & gay be
Poured upon all

Don't mind that one.

Friday, August 30, 2013

Esta sola.

Heaven knows of
Why in a blink
Of an eye

 The world seems
 To vanish

Everything fades
Suddenly I feel so

Alone - not a soul
to talk to.

 It feels much of
 Walking on a grassy
 path - at the center
 Of a wide
 green field.
